Monday 5 December 2016

Physical manifestations- Work diary

Basic information:
Date: 01/12/16
Camera used: Macro camera
Props or subject: Subject
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/9, ISO 200

Technique used: Standard lighting
Camera set up: (Diagram created using soft box x2, Tripod

Favourite image

This is my favourite image from this series as I like the way that I have incorporated collage style through the use of shooting range targets as well as the technique of piercing to create holes in the image similar to an air rifle pellet in order to demonstrate the concept of "Bite the bullet".  I like the way that the overall image has a dull creamy and unsaturated tone as it allows it to compliment the cream of the shooting range targets.

Least favourite image

The above image is effective in demonstrating its concept of "Two heads are better than one" through the use of collage by ripping and layering images however it is unsettling as the subjects faces do not accurately align.  This image still appeals to me however as a result of its surreal and unnatural appearance however it could have been improved by possibly creating the split vertically down the subjects face once opposed to repeatedly across the face.

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