Sunday 4 December 2016

Physical Manifestations- Straight images/Physical photographs

Each of the images in this series was shot using two soft boxes with a macro lens in the studio against a black backdrop in order to capture detail in the subjects face as well as to help make them stand out against the background.  The images were then edited in photoshop where there saturation was decreased and their curves were altered (each of the images has the same editing technique as I layered them and then made layers visible to save as jpegs in order to create constant edits).

This image was formed around the idiom "Two heads are better than one" and was formed through tearing one image and then laying it over the over and glueing it down.  I felt that the ragged edges created by the rips were important as it gives the image a more raw and less clinical appearance than what would have been achieved through using scissors to cut strips of the image.

This image was formed around the idiom "Plenty more fish in the sea" I pierced the image with a needle and then threaded the hook through both holes in order to prevent the paper from splitting or tearing under pressure.  I choose to use  gold wire as this matched the collar of the subject in the image and helped to join the physical additions to the base image.

This image was formed around "Bite the bullet" I created the bullet holes by piercing the image with a pencil after laying it over a cardboard box.  In order to further demonstrate that the holes are bullet holes I choose to lay targets from shooting ranges over the image.

This image is based around "Lips sealed" I chose to execute this with black thread and stitched through the paper with a needle and thread.  This was difficult as I had to be wary of tearing the paper as this would have destroyed the detailing in the image.  I chose to use black thread due to it's sinister connotations such as death as well as the fact that it provided a good level of contrast to the subjects skin.

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