Thursday 1 December 2016

Plenty more fish in the sea- Work diary

Basic information:
Date: 01/12/16
Camera used: College studio camera macro lens
Props or subject: Subject
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/9, ISO 200

Technique used: Low key gels
Camera set up: (Diagram created using Snoot x1, blue photography gel, Tripod

Favourite image:

The above image is my favourite from this series due to the way the subject is positioned in profile with half of her face hidden by the use of low key lighting.  This directed light shows only half of her face and draws the viewers focus to the subjects face as there is no shallow depth of field to direct the viewers eye due to the use of an f-stop of 9 in the image. The profile view and consequent obscured face creates an aspect of mystery in the image.  This mystery helps to give the image a more powerful meaning to the viewer and may make them question the story behind the symbolism of the idiom of "Plenty More Fish In The Sea" a phrase often associated with relationships and the search for love.  The use of blood in the image as well as the gruesome way that the hook has punctured the subjects skin provides a darker edge to the image making the viewer question whether the subject has had a bad romantic experience in the past.  This idea of the image having darker connotations can be seen again through the blue tone of light used this was intended to give the image a colder feel whilst also retaining the symbolism of the sea and creating a high level of contrast with the red of the blood on the subjects face.  The subjects dead pan expression also creates a dark and harsh sense in the image and upholds the mystery by giving away no emotional clues.

Least favourite image:

This is my least favourite image due to the subjects framing in the image specifically the dead space above the subjects head and to the subjects left as this confuses the viewers eye in the dramatic image.   The lack of focus on the subjects face and the hook in her mouth also take away from the images impact as the viewer is unsure of where they should be looking.   I feel that the lighting in this image was poorly executed as there is orang or red toned lighting coming from behind the subject where another light as triggered in the studio.  I also dislike the way that the lighting has created a particularly uneven edge along the hook prosthetic and that it has not been correctly blended into the subjects face post production.  I also feel that the image is over exposed in the areas where it has been lit resulting in the subjects shirt and face appearing almost luminous this distracts the viewer and makes the image look overly saturated and garish.

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