Tuesday 13 December 2016

An Eye For An Eye- Work diary

Basic information:
Date: 13/12/16
Camera used: Nikon D3500 also studio camera with macro lens
Props or subject: Subject (Self portraiture)
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/16, ISO 200

Technique used: Low key lighting
Camera set up: (Diagram created using www.lightingdiagrams.com/creator)- Snoot x1, Tripod

Favourite image

This is my favourite image from this shoot due to the way that the low key lighting has kept part of the subjects face in the shadows adding a sense of mystery to the image.  I also like the way that the lighting has has helped to add depth to the wound in the image and given it a more gory appearance.  The low key lighting also helps to direct the viewers eye as the f-stop of f16 provides a wide depth of field with no evident area of focus for the viewers eye to be drawn to.  I feel that the use of muted tones throughout the image caused by the reduced saturation and low key lighting has provided an interesting sense of tonal contrast between the reds of the wound and the rest of the subjects face.  I like the framing of this image as it draws the viewers eye first to the subjects non-wounded face and then pulls their gaze across to the eye wound creating an element of surprise.

Least favourite image

This is my least favourite image sue to the way that the subjects eye is drawn from the eye in the images foreground to the subjects face in the images background.  This was an interesting concept for the image as it allowed for depth of field to be explored however I feel that in this instance it has not added anything overly interesting to the image and has instead presented issues with image crowding and misdirection of the viewers gaze.  I feel that this image may have been more successful if higher levels of light were introduced such as the use of a light box to provide more lighting in the images background as this would have made the image of the subjects face easier to identify.  I overall like the concept of the close up shots of the subjects eye and for this reason I decided to pursue the use of macro photography in the shoot by employing a secondary subject to hold the eye whilst I took the photo.


  1. very good here, both images are well executed and composed, there may be some need to make your images a little lighter even though (i know) they are high key... please discuss your choice of camera settings...
