Monday 31 October 2016

Bite the bullet- Work diary

Basic information:
Date: 28/10/16
Camera used: Nikon D3500
Props or subject: Subject
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/8, ISO 200

Technique used: High key lighting
Camera set up: (Diagram created using Soft box x3, Reflector, Tripod

Favourite image

This is my favourite image as it displays the shot gun shells in the image most clearly displays the shot gun shells in the pasta this was important to me as the shotgun shells are the surreal element of the image.  This is due to the fact that they carry a negative connotation of death but the subject is being forced to eat them and "bite the bullet" and follow the wishes of society.  I also like the way that the images composition which places the subjects plate in the lower left third of the image draws the viewers eye to the plate opposed to the subject which is the case in some of the other images from the series.  The subjects index finger also points towards the shotgun shells creating a leading line for the viewers eye to follow.  The fact that composition draws the viewers eye to the shotgun shell is important as the camera settings used (f8) do not provide a shallow depth of field in the image and therefore do not direct the viewers eye through focus.  The low saturation in the image adds to the surrealness of the image.  

Least favourite image

I like this image overall however I feel that is one of the weakest images from this series as a result of the lack of colour in the image with large portions of the image being taken up by white background which appears empty due to the high key lighting used.  It is possible that the introduction of text could have added to the image however I feel that as a whole the image world as the viewers eye is drawn to the yellow shotgun shell as it is the brightest colour present in the image.

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