Friday 28 October 2016

Bite the Bullet- Straight images

Each image from this series has been edited in photoshop to reduce it's saturation in order to give it a more sinister appearance whilst the contrast has been increased along with the brightness in order to help make the image appear bolder and more striking.  The clone stamp tool has been used in this shoot in order to remove creases in the table cloth where it is in shot as the creases were distracting from the overall effect of the images.

I was pleased with the outcome of this image as the framing appeals to me particularly the way in which the subjects positioning in the shot is symmetrical and the leading lines of the table draw the viewers eye towards the subject at the image centre.  The elements of framing that I dislike in this image are the fact that the camera was not positioning directly centrally to the table as the cloth is cropped at different angles on both sides of the image.

This image appeals to me as the high key lighting used has provided a strong sense of contrast between the subject and the background giving the image a clean and precise feel.  The lack of focus on the spot gun shell in the images foreground draws the viewers focus away from the shot gun shel and to the subjects deadpan expression which allows the viewer to focus on the emotional context for this image however this technique of shallow depth of field diminishes the clean and precise appearance of the image.

This image appeals to me as the closer nature of the shot allows for the viewer to more clearly view the shot gun shells and the actin shot of the subject eating the shot gun shells gives the image a more "real" appearance this was not necessarily the effect I was attempting to achieve when creating the image series and for this reason I dislike the image.  I also dislike the portrait framing used as I feel that the way that the subjects elbows are cropped out of the image gives it a cramped appearance.

This is one of my favourite images from the shoot as it puts the most focus on the shot gun shells and the pasta allowing them to be visible.  Focus is also drawn towards the shotgun shells as a result of the shallow depth of field used.  If I were to recreate this shot I would consider using a macro lens in order to gain a greater element of focus in the image however overall I am satisfied with the image outcome.  I may also try to find an alternative colour of shot gun shell such as red in order to make them stand out more against the yellow of the pasta.


  1. Please retouch the images to remove the crease from the table cloth. Ensure camera settings are recorded and lighting set-up/light meter readings.

  2. good engaging shoots I can't wait for the work diary...
