Tuesday 4 October 2016

High key fashion-Technique post

High key photography- A modern lighting technique with an absence of deep shadows based around the use of mid-tones such as greys and bright whites.  The use of bright lighting and lack of shadows create a low element of contrast in the image.

Key light- Main light used to light the subject.
Beauty dish- Circular dish which comes in either white or silver white will allow for more diffusion whilst silver adds cooler tones and more directional light.
Diffusion sock- a cover which is added to the beauty dish in order to further diffuse light.

Diffused light- Non-direct light.
Direct light- Light which hits the model in a beam.
Honey comb grid- A cover for the light which controls the light.
Colour gel- A toned gel which alters the colour of a bulb.

Fill light- A light which fills in shadows.
Back light/clip light- Adds direct light behind the model is directed at the model.
Diffusion filter- 
Lighting diagram- A diagram of the lighting used.

Camera settings
Aperture: F9
Shutter speed: 1/125
ISO: 200

-Key light 
-Back light
-Fill light

-Tripod (to reduce camera shake).
-Nikon D5300, standard lens (no specialist lens required).
-Light metre (to measure light).
-Coloured background (light background to add to over exposed look, black background for higher contrast).

-Measure light with intention of gaining more light in background than foreground.
-Key light F8
-Back drop light F11 or F16 one or two stops higher than foreground.

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