Saturday 6 August 2016

Wide angle close up- Work diary

Camera settings
Aperture: F5.6 (or lower for shallow depth of field as this will draw the viewers eye to the images subject).
ISO: 400 (dependent on lighting)
Shutter speed: 1/125 (a fast shutter speed will prevent the image from becoming distorted due to subject movement).

Lighting set up
-Natural lighting.

-Tripod (to prevent image distortion as a result of camera shake).
-Nikon D5300 standard lens (a wider lens would have been preferable in order to better demonstrate the wide angle distorted effect).

Shoot objecties/obstacles
The objective of this shoot was to capture the distortion of the face which can be obtained through the use of a wide angle lens.  I feel that the image would have been more successful if I had of had access to a lens with a wider angle.

Favourite image

This is my favourite image from this topic due to the way that to accurately demonstrates the warping of the face which can occur from using a wide angle close up technique.  This is achieved by the subjects close proximity to the camera.  I also like the way that the shallow depth of field draws the viewers eye to the subject and effect which is further amplified by the images saturation.

Least favourite image

The aesthetic of this image achieved by the colouration and depth of field of the image is interesting to me as a result of the low Fstop which was used to create the photo and therefore I like the image however I feel that the image does not fit the topic of wide angle close up well due to the lack of warping which has occurred to the paper crane in the images foreground.

Inclusion in my projec
This technique is not likely to be included in my project due to the fact that I do not feel that the distortion of the face will be suitable in the style of surreal fashion photography which I wish to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Emma I think that you should try to do this exercise again and push yourself (be creative). Notation of camera settings is again a must.
