Sunday 7 August 2016

Focal length- Work diary

Camera settings

Aperture: F6.3 (this Fstop will allow for a wide depth of field and for the images background to be visible and clear).
Shutter speed: 1/100 (a slow shutter speed should be used in order to minimise the subject movement and resulting image distortion).
ISO: 100 (a low ISO should be used in order to create a crisp image).

-Natural light.

-Harlow college.

-Tripod (in order to reduce camera shake).
-Nikon D5300, standard lens (no specialist lens was required).

Shoot objective/obstacles
The objective of this shoot was to use a variety of focal length to create a series of images of the same subject with a variety of zoom applied to each image.  Obstacles which I found when attempting to create this shoot include struggling to maintain the same framing for each shot t combat this I used a tripod to steady the camera.

Favourite image

This is my favourite image due to the fact that the focal length used allows for the images background as well as the subject to be in focus.  This style of photography would be suitable for a fashion poster or a CD cover due to the images aesthetic.  I have also reduced the images saturation as well as increasing it's contrast to give a slightly darker appearance.

Least favourite image

This is my least favourite image due to the fact that image has an extreme wide angle which means that the subject is difficult to see.  The fact that the subject is dressed in such a dark outfit also creates an element of difficulty in distinguishing between the images background and subject.  I also feel that the fact that the buildings are visible in the background of the image gives it a harsh appearance.

Inclusion in my project
I may implement this technique in my project in order to gain a varied selection of shots in each shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Emma you need to take a note of the focal lengths used both for the work diary and the straight images series as this will help.. you might also comment on the appropriateness of using telephoto versus wide angle focal lengths as part of the work diary entry..
