Saturday 6 August 2016

Macro- Work diary

Camera settings
Aperture: F9 (I increased the Fstop in order to gain a better level of image quality).
Shutter speed: 1/125 (a fast shutter speed will prevent camera shake and possible distortion of the image).
ISO: 200 (an ISO of 200 can be used due to the high levels of studio lighting).

-Model light x2 (to add even lighting in the studio setting).
-Light diffuser (tracing paper issued in order to create an even tone in the image).

-Photography studio.

-Tripod (in order to reduce camera shake).
-Studio camera with macro lens (a macro lens is used in order to gain a higher level of detail in the image).

Shoot objective/obstacles
The objective of this shoot was to experiment with the use of macro photography.  I have added a somewhat surreal aspect to the image and played on the ideas of forced silence and power through the incorporation of the black tape over the subjects mouth in my favourite image.  I had issues trying to think of interesting ways to form the image as a result of the limited time which we had to compose the image.

Favourite image

This is my favourite image from the Macro shoot due to the surreal elements which it displays such as the black tape across the mouth of the subject.  The tape conveys the idea of censorship and a lack of freedom whilst the subjects nose ring suggests a wish for freedom and the desire to move against society.  I also feel like the low saturation of the image creates a cold feeling throughout the image which gives it a harsh feeling.

Least favourite image

This is my least favourite image due to the fact that it focuses on  large area of the face and therefore does not implement the macro lens as effectively.  I also feel that the composition of this image is weaker than that of the other images in my series.  Another issue which I have with this image is the way that the bright lights and decreased saturation have given the subject a washed out and somewhat flat appearance.

Inclusion in my project
I will likely be including this technique in my project as I feel that it would help to capture the levels of detail in makeup for each shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Emma Photography is an explorative subject area, you are creating really good work but need to comment further ref the images in your straight images the fall of in depth of field is quite pronounced ad beautiful, you choice of focus is really good but in your post there is no evidence that you have considered these factors.. I want you to do well but you will need to annotate your work more thoroughly this year no one likes writing about how good/bad there work is particularly when under time pressure but you absolutely must do this to gain a good grade.. talk to me when you get back..
