Sunday 7 August 2016

Animation- Work diary

Camera settings
Aperture: F9 (a slightly higher depth of field was required in order to gain an image with a better tonal balance).
Shutter speed: 1/200 (faster shutter speeds prevent blurring which is essential in close up images).
ISO: 200 (studio lighting only requires a low ISO).

-Soft box x2 (a soft box was used on either side if the subject in the studio in order to provide an even tone of lighting).
-Natural lighting.

-Photography studio.
-Harlow town park.

-Tripod/camera stand (to reduce camera shake).
-Nikon D5300, standard lens (wide angle and macro photography were not required for the park shoot).
-College studio camera and macro lens (the best macro effect can only be achieved with a specialised lens to gain a more detailed image).
-Graphics tablet (this was used to draw the stars onto the eye in the editing process).

Shoot objective/obstacles
The objective of this project was to use images in my existing portfolio to create GIFs. I had slight issues with finding images which I wished to make into GIFs however the ones which I have found I am happy with.  I feel that a GIF or stop motion animation could be used effectively in an advertorial project.

Favourite animation

This is my favourite animation because I like the rough style of drawing which I have achieved using a graphics tablet.  The images decreased saturation and increased contrast also give it an interesting appearance and make the image appear much more crisp an effect which is amplified by the use of the sharpening tool in order to create a more defined line on the objects eyeliner.

Least favourite animation

This is my least favourite image due to the way that the image jumps as a result of it not being layered correctly in photoshop.  This effect could be implemented to create a jumpy effect for a horror image but was not correctly executed in this animation. 

Inclusion of technique in project
I would like to incorporate a GIF into my project at some point even if it is just to document the process through which I will be applying the makeup for one of the shoots as this is a technique which interests me.

1 comment:

  1. some good ideas are being generated here, well done Iike what you have done with the eye..
