Thursday 16 June 2016

Sequence- Work diary

Camera settings
Aperture: F6.3 (wide depth of field can be used as the subject of the image does not have ti be seperate from the images foreground).
Shutter speed: 1/125 (a fast shutter speed can be used in order to gain a crisper image as it takes an image before the subject can move).
ISO: 100 (a low ISO can be used to create a crisper image).

-Natural lighting

-Harlow town park.

-Tripod (in order to reduce camera shake).
-Nikon D5300, standard lens (no specialist lens was required).

Shoot objective/obstacles
The objective of this shoot was to take a series of images which could be joined together in Photoshop in order to create an image which displays a sequence of actions.  This photography style is popular with sports photographers as well as surreal photographers.  Issues which I encountered with this shoot was the camera moving despite the use of a tripod as well as joining the images in Photoshop post shoot.

Favourite image

This is my favourite image due to the fact that the black and white tones used create a surreal element to the piece which is in keeping with the area of photography which I wish to pursue in my independent project.  I feel that the use of the same model also helps to add a surreal effect as it appears that there are multiple copies of her which creates a feeling of the supernatural and surreal.  I have heightened the images contrast as well it's saturation in order to create a higher sense of contrast throughout.

Least favourite image

This is my least favourite image due to the fact that I have only used two images to create this final image opposed to several layers which can be seen in other images in the series.  I also feel that the highly saturated colours as well as the location of a playground does not fit with the style of photography which I wish to pursue in the future.

Technique inclusion in project
I doubt that this technique will be incorporated into my project as I am unsure how I could incorporate this idea into the style of surreal portraiture which I wish to pursue.

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