Thursday 16 June 2016

Sequence photography- Technical post

Dictionary definition- Sequence photography is a technique of shooting a series of images in where the subject is captured in successive motion. Sequence photography is a wonderful way of conveying motion in a static image.
Personal definition- A single image which captures an event from it's start to it's finish by compiling several images.

To achieve the sequencing effect seen in many sports adverts and magazines a number of images are taken and then edited together in photoshop to create the illusion of there being more than one of the object present in the image. This technique demonstrates the passing of time as well as movement effectively.

Camera settings
Aperture: F6.3 (High f stop to provide wide depth of field).
ISO: 100 (Low ISO due to bright conditions).
Shutter speed: 1/100 (Fast shutter speed to prevent image distortion as a result of subject movement).

Natural lighting (as shot outside studio lights could be implemented).

-Tripod (to prevent camera shake and image distortion).
-Nikon D5300 and standard lens (no specialist lens required as the image will not be shot in macro or extreme wide angle.

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