Wednesday 15 June 2016

Macro- Technical post

Dictionary definition- Photography producing photographs of small items larger than life size.
Personal defintion- A form of photography which provides large amounts of detail at a close range as well as making an object appear larger than life.

Alessandro Zocchi

Camera settings
Aperture: F/8 (a wide depth of field can be used when taking a photo of something which exists wholly in the images foreground for example an eye as there is no need to blur out the images background).
Shutter speed: 1/125 (a fast shutter speed will prevent camera shake and image distortion).
ISO: 200 (an ISO of 200 can be used due to the high levels of studio lighting).

-Studio light x2 (lights are used on either side of the object in order to gain a more even tone of light).
-Light diffuser (tracing paper) x2 (this is used to create a more even and concentrated tone of light).

-Macro lens and studio camera (a macro lens provides a greater level of detail than a standard lens).
-Tripod/Camera stand (this is used to prevent camera shake as a small movement at the close camera range could cause a large amount of image distortion).

Studio set up

1 comment:

  1. Good, you could also comment on how macro images appear to reveal aspects about an object which are easily overlooked by the human eye...
