Tuesday 14 June 2016

Wide angle, Close up- Technical post

Wide angle
Dictionary definition- In photography and cinematography, a wide-angle lens refers to a lens whose focal length is substantially smaller than the focal length of a normal lens for a given film plane.
Personal definition- an image taken with a wide angle lens with a focal length approximately 18 or lower which creates a wider image plane.

Close up
Dictionary definition- Photography of objects at a close range.
Personal defintion- Images taken with a short distance between the subject and the camera lens.

Wide angle close up- a wide angle close up image is a close up image taken with a wide angle lens which results in image distortion this is especially visible on the faces of humans or animals.

The use of a wide angle camera setting at a close range can create an effect which alters the proportions of the subject in a way which is particularly noticeable in relation to the human face. The best results can be achieved with a lens 18mm or lower with the camera positioned roughly 20-30 cm from the subjects face.

Camera settings
Aperture: F5.6 (or lower for shallow depth of field to draw the viewers eye to the images subject).
ISO: 400 (dependent on lighting)
Shutter speed: 1/125 (a fast shutter speed will prevent the image from becoming distorted due to subject movement).

Lighting set up
-Natural lighting.

-Tripod (to prevent image distortion as a result of camera shake).
-Nikon D5300 standard lens (a wider lens would have been preferable in order to better demonstrate the wide angle distorted effect).


  1. Good definitions and personal interpretations, I would ask you to use units when you describe a focal length i.e 18 mm as opposed to 18 which is not appropriate. Its a small change but will help you in becoming technically proficient in your work..

  2. note also that shooting "close-up" can affect depth of field (DOF) as it becomes soft beyond the plane of focus.. this is helpful when creating surreal shots or in sots where you want people to focus on the main subject.
