Thursday 19 January 2017

Love- Straight images

This image was shot at my house opposed to in the studio meaning that I had to be careful with the lighting used to prevent it from becoming overly orange in appearance as a result of tungsten bulbs.  I worked out a couple of possible locations to shoot and found that the white marble appearance of the counter top gave the best contrast to the ring in the box and the rose used.  I choose to position the single rose next to the open ring box as these objects are both symbols of love which is what I wanted to convey in this shoot.  I used a shallow depth of field in this shoot as I wished to draw the viewers eye towards the subjects of the image this is also achieved through the close range which I shot at and the contest between the countertop and the objects that are the images subject.  When editing the images in this series I choose to lower the images saturation in order to give them a nostalgic appearance as well as increasing the images lightness and brightness but being careful not to augment the petal structure in this process.

In this image I have placed the ring box in the left hand third of the image this allows the viewers eye to be drawn to the ring box invoking the idea of love.  This is further enforces the link between roses and petals as a being symbolic of love.  My least favourite element of this image is the fact that the rose petals appear to be somewhat symmetrical in placement however the fact that the petals are all in varying shapes and sizes as they are natural objects symmetry is further broken here by the shallow depth of field which pulls focus to particular areas of the image.

The extreme close up combined with the shallow depth of field used in this shot draws the viewers eye to focus mainly on the petal that sits in the images centre.  I like the way that the petals in this image appear to fall randomly as this alludes to the chaos of love and emotions.  I feel that it would have also been interesting to capture a similar image using a wide depth of field and would look to explore this concept in future projects.

I choose to make the roses form the shape of a heart for this image to further showcase their link to love and romantic gestures over time.  This image is one of my favourites from the series as the shallow depth of field and shadowing adds a sense of depth to the image besides making it appear more dynamic.

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