Tuesday 31 January 2017

Death- Straight images

This image is a photo joiner composed of numerous images of different sizes in order to create the larger and final image.  The image was shot in a  studio with two soft boxes and a tripod in order to prevent camera shake this equipment set up as well as the use of a macro camera was used in every image from this shoot.  Both this image and the one below were edited in photoshop to reduce their saturation creating muted tones, contrast was also increased and curves were altered to create a more striking image.  I chose to use a dark blue background in order to prevent the image from appearing overly dark whilst still maintaining the dark and sombre imagery associated with lily's.  

This image features a shallow depth of field focused around the dead lily in the images centre with a subjects torso and the backdrop out of focus.  The image uses overall dull muted tones in the image this helps to maintain the sombre imagery associated with white lilies.  The fact that the subjects head is not visible in the image gives the image an air on anonymity and mystery which intrigues the viewer as well as reminding them that death and loss could happen to anyone.

This image was created by increasing the images contrast but decreasing it's saturation and altering the colour levels present individually.  This creates a crisp image with a deep range of tone and shadows whilst drawing the viewers eye directly to the lily in the subjects hand due to the strong contrast of colour between the light subject and dark image background. This image was shot with a macro lens allowing for a great deal of detail to be captured in the image.

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