Tuesday 15 November 2016

Lips Sealed- Work Diary

Basic information:
Date: 15/11/16
Camera used: Nikon D3500
Props or subject: Subject
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/8, ISO 200

Technique used: Portraiture
Camera set up: (Diagram created using www.lightingdiagrams.com/creator)- Soft box x2, Tripod

Favourite image

This is my favourite image from this shoot due to the framing of the subject in the images centre.  I also like the way that the the lighting used draws the viewers eye directly to the subjects face.  The lighting is important in this image as a wide depth of field was used (f8) meaning that the viewers eye would not be drawn towards the subject through depth and focus.  Other aspects of this image which I find appealing in this image are the emotive feelings created by the use of the shhhing symbolism of the subjects finger.  This symbolism gives the image a more sinister undertone as if they are being forced to keep a secret.  The darkness of the image amplifies this concept as it is as if the subject is trapped by themselves and in their own psyche.  Elements of this image which I find less appealing include the way that the lighting is not completely even over the subjects face and the fact that the sewn up lips of the subject cannot be seen more clearly.

Least favourite image 

This is my least favourite image as I feel that the disjointed movement of the subjects head draws away from the subjects makeup and the sewn up mouth effect.  The fact that this is not easily visible is important as the entire series of idioms is focused around the way that additional elements such as  makeup can be added to images in order to convey a deeper meaning and to the idioms and highlight darker messages.  I also feel that the fact that the subjects head appears to be floating as a result of dark clothing choices is distracting to viewer.

1 comment:

  1. Camera settings, light meter readings, are they different to each other and why?
