Friday 18 November 2016

Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk- Work Diary

Basic information:
Date: 17/11/16
Camera used: Nikon D3500
Props or subject: Subject (Self portraiture)
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/9, ISO 200

Technique used: Portraiture
Camera set up: (Diagram created using Soft box x2, Tripod

Favourite image:

This is my favourite image due to the subjects framing and the way that the subject is positioned with her eyes in the images centre this positioning draws the viewer to the subjects eyes and gives the image a more emotive appearance.  This is important as it gives the viewer something to focus on as the image is shot with a wide depth of field as a result of the stop f9.  I feel that the use of white face paint has effectively created the appearance of milky tears and am happy with the opacity of the tears as milk is not a completely opaque fluid when it is on a surface in a thin layer such as a tear.  I find that the lack of lack of bright colours in the image creates a somber effect and like the way that the dark theme has been upheld through the coloration of the subjects brown eyes and hair and the way that this compliments the black background.  Saturation has been reduced in this image in the aim to tie the colours throughout the image together more effectively.  I feel that the closeness of the subjects face to the camera gives the image a somewhat comical appearance which bears a resemblance to the art of Roy Lichenstein which focuses around the face of a crying woman.

Least favourite image:

This is my least favourite image as the lighting is uneven in the image which creates an overly exaggerated shadow behind the subjects nose.  The images lighting also appears to be overly exposed which leads to the image having a washed out appearance an effect which diminishes contrast throughout the image and lightens the subjects features such as hair and eyes giving the image a far less striking appearance.  I am also unsatisfied with the images framing particularly the way that the subject shoulders and chin are not featured as a feel that the image has been cropped in an unusual and unappealing manner.  This framing does not direct the viewers eye as there are too many places for the viewers eye too stray an issue which is only made worse by the way that the lighting shapes the subjects face in the image.

1 comment:

  1. a good post, good analysis however some areas need to be addressed (1) how you conducted the shoot (lighting diagram, settings etc, are expected for A grade student), why you chose certain light shaping devices what effect did you intend to have, did you achieve it. (2) you mentioned roy Lichtenstein add a visual reference, pretend that the examiner or I do not know who he is illuminate us!


    FINALLY SPELLING " Sautriation has been reduced in this image" please ensure that you review your work but again a good use of technical language...
