Thursday 17 November 2016

Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk- Straight images

This image was shot with two soft box lights in order to provide a soft and even tone.  The framing was difficult to achieve throughout this series as they are self portraits however I was able to shoot them myself using a camera remote.  The image has a decreased saturation as well as colourisation shifts created through the use of curves.  I choose to keep the tears as a somewhat transparent white as I felt that this was more in keeping with the consistency of milk and despite the somewhat comical appearances of the images I wanted to attempt to maintain some elements of realism.

The above image has the most defined tear lines as a result of the subjects face to the camera.  I found that this appearance bears a resemblance to the work of Roy Lichenstein a pop art artist who created an exaggerated cartoon of a woman crying.  This image uses the same shoot techniques and editing techniques as the previous image.

The subjects positioning in this image creates a sense of sadness in the image due to the downward gaze and iconography of the tears.  This evokes a feeling a pity in the viewer for the subject and makes the image more memorable.  The lighting in this image is different from those above as it only features light from one side as one of the soft boxes failed to fire however I still like the image as I feel that the hidden portion of the subjects face adds a sense of mystery to the image.  I used the same editing techniques as the images prior in the series.

This image again features a failed flash from onside however I still like the image die to the contrast found between the subjects white eyelashes and the shadowing on the subjects face as it stands out as odd and surreal to the viewer.  I used to same editing techniques as I did with the other images.  Had I wanted to reduce the shadowing in the image I would have reduced the images contrast as well as lightening the image.

1 comment:

  1. as discussed previously the images may need some retouching even for a fine art based concept. Try to work in layers and enhance the opacity of the milk tears... you need to be subtle in order to remain within the fine art rather than pop art genre.. Compare before and after images and analyse whether the work has progressed.
