Tuesday 14 February 2017

Two heads are better than one- Work diary

Basic information:
Date: 09/02/17
Camera used: Nikon D3500
Props or subject: Subject
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 4.0s, f/32, 4.0s-6.0s

Technique used: Multiple flash
Camera set up: (Diagram created using www.lightingdiagrams.com/creator)- Soft box x2, Tripod

Favourite image

This image appeals to me due to the way that I was able to position the subject in a way that allows for her head to be featured at two points in the same image with minimal movement in her body.  This positioning creates the illusion that the subject has two heads which illustrates the name of the series "Two heads are better than one".  The subjects black top helps to add to this illusion as it blends into the background making it hard to distinguish where the subjects body ends and the background begins.  The reduced saturation present in the image gives it a sinister appearance as does the subjects deadpan stare as she looks directly towards the camera.  The lack of movement in between flashes also helps to give this image a surreal appearance as it appears still and precise opposed to blurred and manic.  The fact that a long exposure of 5 seconds was used here is also important as it means that the subject had plenty of time to move her head into the correct position without feeling rushed and blurring the image.

Least favourite image

This image is my least favourite from this series due to the way that the subjects head is blurred excessively which removes detail from the image.  The multiple blurs achieved through quick movements and flashes creates a stacked appearance and the multiple numbers of heads present in the image goes against the series title.  This images composition is unappealing however could likely be improved through cropping the image to a square format to draw focus to the subjects face.

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