Wednesday 1 February 2017

Death- Work diary

Basic information:
Date: 31/01/17
Camera used: Macro camera
Props or subject: Object
Editing program: Photoshop CC 2014
Camera settings: 1/125, f/9, ISO 200

Technique used: Standard lighting
Camera set up: (Diagram created using Soft box x2, Tripod

Favourite image

This is my favourite image from this shoot as I like the way that the subject the lily appears central in the image which draws the viewers eye to it opposed to the person who is holding the lily.  The lily is able to effectively stand out as a result of subtle shallow depth of field as whilst this image was shot at f9 a mare camera was used with a low depth of field.  The fact that the lily is a contrasting pale beige against the persons deep plum jumper also helps to make it stand out from the rest of the image.  This use of colour is particularly important is there is no shallow depth of field present in this image.  I feel that the framing of the image which cuts the persons head from the frame also helps to add a sense of ambiguity to the person and therefore draws the viewers eye to the flower being held.  This image is similar in style to Brooke DiDonatos work in its muted colonisation as well as its composition.

Least favourite image

This is my least favourite image from this series as I feel that it doesn't follow the same style as the other images in the series.  It still appeals to me however due to it's use of muted colours and the way that the fragmentation of the joiners can be seen as symbolic of the fragmentation caused by loss and death (traditionally focused around white lily's).  I feel that the image may possibly have been improved had it featured more of the lily and less of the subjects arm or had featured sections of the lily thought the decay process.

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