Tuesday 27 September 2016

Slow sync flash- Work diary

Camera settings
Aperture: F4 (in order to produce a shallow depth of field and direct focus upon the images subject).
Shutter speed: 1-8" (a slow shutter speed should be used in order to capture the subject movement).
ISO: 200 (a low ISO should be used in order to create a crisp image whilst ISO 200 is a good setting to use in the studio).

-Model light (a light source must be used in order to create light trails).

-Photography studio.

-Tripod (in order to reduce camera shake).
-Nikon D5300, standard lens (no specialist lens was required).

Shoot objective/obstacles
The objective of this shoot was to use slow sync photography to document movement.  Obstacles which I encountered during this shoot includes having issues creating unique compositors in the studio setting.

Favourite Image

This is my favourite image as I like the way that the subjects movements have formed a symbol similar to infinity.  I also like the way that the subject is contrasted with the darkness of the background due to the light colours of his clothes.  I like the way in which the green is central to the image as it provides an element of symmetry to the image.  I feel that the lower levels of saturation throughout the image also complement the blurred effect as it helps the subject movements to blur into one fluid shape.

Least Favourite Image

This is my least favourite image as a result of the fact that I feel that the image lacks interesting composition due to the fact that the image is largely focused on the left third of the image.  Another element of the image which I am unsatisfied with is the way in which the lighting in the image doesn't allow for high levels of contrast between the subject and the background as it lightens the background significantly.

Inclusion of technique in project

This technique will not appear in my project as I don't feel that the use of light trail blurs will be applicable in the kind of surrealist fashion shoot which I wish to undertake.

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